
Friday, 1 September 2017

Dear Mr Sedcole

Taonga Class

Mangonui School

Monday 28th August 2017
Dear Mr Sedcole,

Please can we have some of your money? If you don't give us money, our scraps will go to the land fill, when we could give it to the worms. We need money because we need to buy things for the worm farm, like a watering can. We need to keep the worm farm damp. A watering can could sprinkle water on the worm farm. We also need 7 buckets with lids, we would put one bucket in each classroom for the scraps. We also need a worm wee collector to collect the worm wee. We added it all up
and we ended up with $140.

Kind Regards 

Mia Millichamp. 


  1. Wow Mia, that writing is very persuasive. If I was Mr Sedcole I would give you the money you need.

  2. very persuasive writing Mia. and awesome structure.

  3. Very nice persuasive writing I think you should write how your worm fame turned out in the end.


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