
Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Neptune site

WALT - study one planet and share our work in our own ways.

Reflection - I enjoyed making the kahoot.

Friday, 20 November 2020

My Yearbook Page

 WALT - use graphic design skills to create a class yearbook.

Reflection - I enjoyed getting all my photos for the page.

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Friday, 23 October 2020

Coordinate Drawings

 WALT - use coordinates to draw mystery pictures.

Reflection - I found it harder when there was negative numbers, not only positive numbers. 

Monday, 12 October 2020

Holiday Postcard

WALT - recount our holiday adventures.  
 Reflection - I like my photo of the wallabies on the front. My highlight was either going to the zoo, or feeding the wallabies.

Friday, 18 September 2020

Newspaper Report

WALT - write a report , write an introductory paragraph and a conclusion paragraph, use the TEXT structure to write a quality paragraph. Reflection - I learnt hwo to use the TEXT stucture to write a report.

WOW - Renewable Energy

 WALT - Research the word renewable energy is and learn it's meaning. Find ways on how we can create energy that is collected from renewable resources.   


Reflection - I learnt that solar panels and wind mills help produce energy, but they don't pollute the earth.

Friday, 11 September 2020

WOW - Carbon Footprint

 WALT - Research the word carbon footprint and learn it's meaning. Find ways on how we can reduce our carbon footprint.


 Reflection - I learnt that I have a pretty good carbon footprint, 

as I did the quiz ( link ) and my score was average.

Monday, 7 September 2020

My Climate Change Site

WALT - texts with your own prior knowledge to develop new ideas and understandings. Research facts about climate change and write synthesis statements about the effects of climate change. 

This site has all my information and creations on Climate Change.

WOW - Climate

WALT - Find the word 'climate' and 'weather' in the dictionary and learn it's meaning. Find the causes and effects of climate change.


 Reflection - I learnt about the causes and effects of climate change.

Thursday, 27 August 2020

WOW - Autobiography

WALT - Find the word 'autobiography' in the dictionary and learn it's meaning. Identify famous people who have written autobiographies. 
  Reflection - I learnt that lots of people have written autobiographies, like Serena Williams and Miley Cyrus.

Tuesday, 25 August 2020


 WALT - Make inferences using the clues in the text along with your own experiences to help you figure out what is not directly said.


 Reflection - I learnt that you have to read the text carefully, so you don't miss any details.

Narratives Orientation

WALT - Read narrative texts and engage higher order thinking skills. Make inferences using the clues in the text along with your own experiences to help you figure out what is not directly said.

Reflection - I learnt how to make the plan of a story, by writing the 'W's.

Monday, 24 August 2020

Decimal Word Problem

WALT - Understand decimals to the tenths, hundredths and thousandths. Use decimals within word problems

Reflection - I learnt that you had to break down the numbers to multiply decimals.
  Slide 14 is mine.

Monday, 17 August 2020

Te Reo Maori Game

WALT - Create a game based on your theme that teaches others the Te Reo vocabulary.
Learn Te Reo vocabulary based on a specific theme.
 Reflection - I learnt lots of new Maori words, like Manu means bird.

WOW - Russell Crowe

WALT - Find information on a famous NZ actor (Russell Crowe).
Reflection - I learnt that Russell Crowe is a New Zealander, even though he spent most of his life in Australia.

Monday, 10 August 2020

Calendar Art

WALT - create an appealing piece of art by blending paint and using Google Drawings.

Reflection - I learnt that you have to blend the paint while the paint is still wet.

Friday, 31 July 2020

WOW - Sir Peter Jackson

WALT - Find information on a famous director (Sir Peter Jackson).

Reflection - I learnt that Sir Peter Jackson's partner, Frances Walsh, is also knighted for around the same reason. Also their kids are both actors/actress.

Friday, 24 July 2020

WOW - Tripod

WALT - Find a word in the dictionary and learn it's meaning. Label the different parts of a tripod.  
Reflection - I learnt that a tripod's "shoe" is the part that holds the camera, which I thought was the bottom part.

Camera Shots

WALT - classify and compare different camera angles. Synthesize information from short movies to develop new ideas and understanding.
Reflection - I learnt the names of lots of different shots, for example, a noddy shot is a shot to show someone's reaction to someone, or something.

Monday, 20 July 2020

My Holiday Recount

WALT - recount our favourite memories from our winter holidays.

Friday, 26 June 2020

Social Distancing Advertisment

WALT - Plan and create an advert that for a specific purpose and audience.
Reflection - I learnt how important is is to following Jacinda's rules to banish COVID-19 from New Zealand. Social distancing has saved many of New Zealander's lives, so we spread the word.

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

WOW - Mnemonic

WALT - find a word in the dictionary and learn it's meaning, create a mnemonic to learn a spelling rule.
 Reflection - I learnt how to spell mnemonic by a mnemonic.

Friday, 12 June 2020

WOW - Personification

WALT -find words in the dictionary and the thesaurus and to understand 'personification' as a figure of speech.
Reflection - I learnt that personification means giving an object human actions / feelings.

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Subtraction Form

WALT - use the standard written form to solve subtraction problems and learn how to create our own Google Form.

Click here to go to my form.

Reflection - I learnt how to make a Google Form and present it.

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

COVID-19 Poster Responses

WALT - identify audience and purpose of COVID-19 visual images.
Reflection - I learnt more about the word COVIDIOT

Monday, 8 June 2020

WOW - Arachnophobia

WALT - find different phobias and display them on a poster.
I learnt all about the different phobias, specially chicken phobia.

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Essential Business Letter

WALT - write a thank you letter following a formal letter structure
Reflection - I learnt that Pak'n Save spent a lot of time thinking on how to run their shop during the pandemic Lock Down.

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Subtraction Form Results

WALT - use the standard written form to solve subtraction problems

Friday, 29 May 2020

Basic Facts

 WALT - learn basic facts of by heart.


Thursday, 28 May 2020

WOW - Gratitude

WALT - find words in the dictionary and the thesaurus and write in complex sentences.

Reflection - I found it hard to fill in my border.

3D Art

WALTto draw cube models using isometric dot paper and make a cube model from a dot paper drawing.

Reflection - I learnt how to draw a 3D shape on dot paper.
I also learnt how to colour the shading in with different colours depending on the angle.

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Dark Blue Drawing

WALT - create a Google Drawing of a natural disaster that portrays our feelings at Dark Blue / Tawhirimatea.
Reflection - I learnt that Dark Blue in Mana Potential comes after red when you "reset"

Letter to Jacinda Adern

WALT - use editing tools to support the rechecking and re crafting of our writing.
Write for a particular audience and purpose.
 Reflection - I learnt that a formal letter needs a bold statement.

12 Days of Quarantine Song

WALT - write for a particular audience and purpose
Reflection - I learnt that lots of people had to shut their business because they didn't have enough money.

Friday, 22 May 2020

WOW - Ashley Bloomfield

WALT - make a poster about Ashley Bloomfield.

Reflection - I learnt that Ashley Bloomfield's nickname is 'The Curve Crusher'.
I also like how I made the background the colour of The Ministry of Health.
I wish I added something in the border.

Monday, 18 May 2020

Pulley System

WALT - use pulleys to leave yourself up.

These are two pulley systems that I used.

Friday, 15 May 2020

Zoom In and Zoom Out

WALT - write descriptive details about historical events.

Reflection - I like how I added both the touch feeling and the inside feeling.
I like how I made my senses bold.
I wish I remembered how to put it on my blog as a Google Doc.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

3D Art

This is my 3D art. We had to do a 3D letter of the first letter of our name. Mine is 'M'.

Reflection - I like how I made my background grey.
I like how I cropped the photo.
I wish it didn't take me so long.

Indian Ocean Tsunami and Earthquake

WALT - skim and scan information to write descriptive details about historical events.

Reflection - I like how I put a shadow behind my title.
I like how I added a clock for when it happened.
I wish I made my maps bigger, so you could read it.

Monday, 11 May 2020

WOW - Barometer

WALT - skim and scan for information.

Reflection - I like how I coloured my text-boxes.
I like how I made the title and the definition the same font.
I wish I added a border.

Supplementary Angles Worksheet

WALT - find supplementary angles.

Reflection - I like how I scanned it instead of taking a photo.
I wish I didn't forget to put the Degrees sign so many times, I scanned it so many times.

Saturday, 9 May 2020

Survival Kit

WALT - skim and scan for information.

Reflection - I like how I added a caption to each thing in my survival kit.
I like how I added lots of water bottles, not just one.
I wish I added more types of food

12day Journal for Tham Luang Cave Disaster

WALT - skim and skan for information.

Day 1 - 23 June, 2018 : Today is my birthday! My parents are making me a spongebob cake at home. It was raining, but I  biked to the Tham Luang Caves with my eleven soccer mates. We planned to stay in the caves for 1 hour. It was so fun, until we turned back, and realised that the rain was filling up the cave! We spent the rest of the day, and the night there. It was the worst birthday ever.

Day 2 - 24 June, 2018 : It is really dark in the cave. Coach taught us meditation today, so we could control our thoughts. We worked on our breathing and relaxed. He also taught us how to lie on the floor so you could save energy. It is cold, but we can still have a short sleep every now and then. 

Day 3 - 25 June, 2018 : Our eyes are getting used to the dark now. Coach says we will do meditation lots. We are all hoping we are going to be rescued, because our only source of food is the water that drips down the side of the wall, as the water flowing on the ground was dirty. 

Day 4 - 26 June, 2018 : Most of our flashlights' batteries are flat, but we can still faintly see. We are doing a lot of meditation, which makes us all feel a little bit better. We are wishing to see our families soon.
Day 5 - 27 June, 2018 : I am starving, as I haven't had food for days now. We are all sick of drinking only water, but it is our only hope to survive. Now, we are all wondering if we will survive anyway. I wonder if anyone has figured out we are missing?

Day 6 - 28 June, 2018 : Today was like any other day in the cave. I think if we all didn't do meditation, so of us would be acting weirdly, or crazy. I'm glad I am stuck with my team, rather than by myself. 

Day 7 - 29 June, 2018  We were nearly giving up hope on being rescued. Little did we know, lots of people were gathered outside the cave. Some were pumping thousands of litres of water out of the cave. Others were figuring out how to rescue us.

Day 8 - 30 June, 2018 : There is a big dip towards the entrance of the cave that is fully underwater, so we are just crowded up on a higher part just past Pattaya beach. So if people want to rescue us, they have a big task ahead.

Day 9 - 1 July, 2018 : In our heads, we thought we would have been rescued by now. But I guess it would be a lot of work. Maybe people were working on it? I don't know, but I just wanted to get out of here.

Day 10 - 2 July, 2018 : Somehow, some expert divers managed to get to us, but the task was getting us back. A doctor supplied them with full face oxygen masks to put on us. They also put us to sleep. I completely blanked out, and I don't have any memory of after that

Day 11 - 3 July, 2018 : I don't know what happened, but I was told I was with two expert divers, who navigated me towards the entrance of the cave. Apparently, it took eight hours!
Day 12 - 4 July, 2018 : I woke up in the hospital, with a glass panel in front of me. Apparently we might have diseases from the cave that could easily spread. I am still allowed to see my family, but we can't interact.

Reflection - I like how I made each day have a good paragraph, not just one repeated sentence.
I like how I made the writing smaller, because otherwise it would look so long.
I wish I used better words.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Tham Luang Cave Disaster in Storyboard

WALT - skim and scan looking for information.

Reflection - I like how I changed the expressions of the team and coach.
I like how I made sure that there were the same people in every box.
I wish it wasn't so fuzzy.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

WOW - Survival

WALT - get information about survival.

 Reflection - I liked doing my WOW poster online, as I usually do it on paper.
I like how I drew the cave, because we are researching about the Tham Lung Cave disaster in 2018.
I wish my poster wasn't so crammed.

Monday, 4 May 2020

Science Experiment - Volcano Eruption

WALT - understand how natural disasters affect New Zealand.
  Do a science experiment on a disaster - Mt Tarawera Eruption.

Reflection - I like how I added a video of the eruption at the end.
I like how I added photos and captions for each step.
I wish I had done this earlier; this is last weeks work.

Complementary Angles Worksheet

WALT - understand angles of poly grams.

Reflection - I wish my pictures weren't so fuzzy.

Saturday, 2 May 2020

Mount Tarawera on Google Maps

WALT - understand how natural disasters affect New Zealand.

Mount Tarawera Eruption Fact File

WALT - understand how natural disasters affect New Zealand.

Reflection - I like how I made the title box white, so it stands out.
I like how I used two different fonts instead of using the same font for everything.
I wish it wasn't so fuzzy.

Thursday, 30 April 2020

Mount Tarawera Eruption Animation

WALT - understand how natural disasters affect New Zealand.

Reflection - I like how I made the sky darken with red when the lava starts overflowing.
I like how I made my cloud huge, because there is a lot of smoke when volcanos erupt.
I wish I made the title background a colour that matched better.

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

WOW - Catastrophe

WALT - understand about New Zealand natural disaster.

Reflection - I like how I wrote 'Catastrophe' in square lettering.
I like how I added heaps of smoke emitting from the volcano.
I wish I had more patience when I was drawing the border.

Volume Worksheet

WALT - understand volume and capacity.

Reflection - I wish I had cropped the picture. 

Sunday, 26 April 2020


WALT - understand and recognise the meaning behind ANZAC in our country.

Reflection - I found it interesting that Anzac Cove in called Anzac,
as many other countries suffered, as well.
I searched it up on Google, and it said :

The landing of allied troops at Gallipoli was the first major action in which Australians were involved in the First World War. The beach site at Anzac Cove represents a mixture of achievement and tragedy for all Australians.

Friday, 24 April 2020

Converting Amounts

WALT - convert milliters to liters and grams to kilograms.

 Reflection -  I wish I watched to video clip on how to do it earlier.
It was tricky when I didn't understand, but once I knew how to do it, it was easy.
I wish I didn't scan in so wonky.

Thursday, 23 April 2020

My Lock Down Baking

WALT - follow a recipe and write it down.

 Reflection - I liked my end product ; it was delicious!
I like how I added blueberries to my cupcakes.
I don't have a wish because everything was good and yum, but I didn't like tiding up afterwards.

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

WOW - Anzac

WALT - create a poster based on Anzac Day.

Reflection - I like how I did the border lightly with red so it didn't take over my title.
I like how I included a poppy field, as poppies are the flower we celebrate Anzac Day with..
I wish I had thought of a better pattern for my border, because I changed my mind half way through.

Saturday, 18 April 2020

My Dream House

WALT - design our ideal house for your wants and needs throughout lock down.

Explanation - First, you walk across the the big lawn to the animal room, which is like a petting zoo at home. To your left is the arcade and game room where you can play heaps of games, both online and offline. Then left again is indoor tree adventures, and then you walk forwards into the arts and crafts room. Next to the arts and crafts room is the computer room, where you play on the computer (not doing games). Then you walk into the dining room, and if you keep walking, you will be in the kitchen. After that there are two bedrooms, which is by the balcony so you have a good view. Then across the hallway, there is another bedroom, with a bathroom behind it. Further on there is heated pool, which is like a big bath. Finally, there is a lounge where you can hang out and watch TV.

Reflection - I like how I added up my perimeter a different way. 
I like how I added a heated pool, it would entertaining.
I wish I had made my hallway narrower, although I could do cartwheels inside. 

Thursday, 16 April 2020

WOW - Pandemic

WALT - show how the COVID - 19 pandemic is affecting the world.

Reflection - I like how I did it on paper instead of online.
I like how I included heaps of red crosses, as pandemic is to do with sickness and diseases.
I wish I had coloured in the border with more patience.

Friday, 20 March 2020

Sea Turtle Writing Assessment

WALT- Explain problems and solutions about Sea Turtles

My Inner Animal

WALT - show animal characteristics during survival mode using google drawing.

Reflection - I like my shading on my swan drawing. My Inner Animal is a swan. Sometimes, I am very calm, but when someone annoys me, I get grumpy. During the breeding season, the male swan becomes very territorial and aggressive to any intruders. 

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Kotuku & Tuatara Tauranga Bay Camp 2020

WALT - share our experiences by making a photo colleague.

Reflection - For the start of year camp, Tuatara and Kotuku went to Tauranga Bay Holiday Park from the 9th to the 11th of March, 2020. We went with heaps of parents for transport.

Friday, 28 February 2020

My Onomatopoeia Gif

WALT - make a gif using an onomatopoeia.

Reflection - I like how I changed my sky at the window, as well as rising the sun.
I like how I slowly made my zzzzzz disappear.
I wish my face was not different sizes, as I waking up.

Thursday, 27 February 2020

My Online Shopping

WALT -Add decimal fractions and understand place value.

Reflection - I like how I tried to spend as much money as possible.
I like how I wrote the price below it, not screenshot it as well.
I wish I made the images transparent so there wasn't a white square around them.

Thursday, 13 February 2020

Poem About Me

WALT - use descriptive language to explain our characteristic.
Reflection - I like playing with the fonts for MIA, as I made them with shapes and fonts.
I found it hard to find adjectives that match both my personality and name.

Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Birthday Avatar

WALT - make an avatar to share our birthdays.

Reflection - I really liked trying to make my character look like me - there were a lot of things that didn't look like me.