
Monday, 20 May 2019

Bully Free Storyboard

WALT - plan and write bully free stories and share them as a storyboard.

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Katrina Rore

WALT - construct a biography about a famous person.
  Reflection - I liked making the drawing of Katrina.
                   I liked finding out facts about her.
                   I wish that she had more information about her online.

Friday, 10 May 2019

My 3D shape poster

WALT - define and sort 3D shapes including prisms.

Reflection - I really like how I have a black background with white writing.
                    I really like the colours I chose for my shape.
                    I wish that I didn't have to remake my shape five times.

Thursday, 2 May 2019

All about Princess Diana

WALT - research a famous person and find out their biology. 
Reflection - I never knew that Prince Charles dated Princess Diana's sister before her.
                   I never knew that Princess Diana died three years after their divorce.
                   I struggled with thinking of questions to ask her.